Badminton badass, baseball slinger and animal aficionado

Liam Hall


Liam Hall


Since strutting out of Wintec with a Bachelor of Design degree in 2021, Liam has been on a whirlwind tour of internships and jobs around Waikato and NZ. Now, he's rocking it with the HNDRX crew in Raglan as a Designer. When he's not busy designing or thrifting, you'll find Liam jamming on the drums, a passion he's been hammering away at for over 15 years.

More Members

Creative Director

Tom Dawson

Tom Dawson

Senior Designer

Lane Fisher

Lane Fisher

Senior Developer

Chris Hustert

Chris Hustert

Emotional support



Office Administrator

Lisa Uphill

Lisa Uphill

Client Service Director

Marine Le Calvez

Marine Le Calvez

Design Lead

Zoe Galloway

Zoe Galloway


Liam Hall

Liam Hall